The Read Theory provides teachers with a self-contained tool for measuring student reading proficiency. The assessment does not require teachers to visit the classroom. Instead, data can be centralized. Moreover, students can choose the passage and develop questions based on it. Moreover, this assessment is aligned to Common Core State Standards. The Read Theory can help teachers plan mini-lessons on how to improve student reading comprehension. As a result, teachers will have more time to teach and students will get more out of the Read Theory assessment.
The theory is based on the idea that past experiences lead to mental frameworks that help readers make sense of new experiences. Smith defines schemes as “extensive representations of general patterns.” These schemes help readers make sense of new experiences by connecting them with previous ones. They may include information about objects, situations, events, and procedural methods. But these are only examples. There are countless other types of theories. For instance, you might read about aristotle’s philosophy.
The Read Theory app has over 1,000 interactive reading comprehension exercises that help students improve their analytical and critical thinking skills. They can learn to make inferences, analyze text details, and project their own purpose. The app gives users detailed reports about their progress, but you must know your reading level to get the most out of the program. Besides, the quizzes and explanations give you an idea of the quality of the reading outcome. It’s also possible to find reading comprehension exercises designed for younger kids and adults alike.
Theories of Reading
Block and Dijkstra’s theories differ in their emphasis on the forms of text that readers encounter. The traditional theory focuses on the printed form of text. In contrast, the cognitive view emphasizes the importance of background knowledge. The meta-cognitive approach stresses the importance of thinking about the text while reading. For example, the reader should consider the format, purpose, and form of the text before reading. If the author’s purpose is to gain information, the reader should think about the form of the text.
Reader comprehension is a result of having a familiarity with the schemata of the text. This helps the reader be more efficient and productive. As Anderson explains, this is a process that occurs when a reader is able to recall the schemata of the text. It’s the reader’s ability to recall the schema that he has created before reading it makes him a better reader. This is one of the main purposes of the read theory.